Appliance Service Rebate

Service your gas appliance before June 30, 2025 and take advantage of, up to $150 in FortisBC rebates. This consists of a $50 per furnace/boiler/tankless water heater and an additional $25 for up to 2 fireplaces, plus BC Furnace will match FortisBC rebates.

Regularly servicing your gas appliance is vital to keep it operating efficiently. It helps prevent more costly breakdown repairs or replacements in the future, and in most incidences is a specified requirement to maintain the warranty of your appliance.

To qualify, simply have gas servicing work conducted by BC Furnace before June 30, 2025. Once the service is completed, make sure to apply for your rebate online before the deadline on July 31, 2025.

Terms & Conditions

  1.  The service for eligible appliances must be performed between June 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.
  2. All rebate applications must be received or postmarked by July 31, 2025.
  3. The property where the appliance is serviced must be a residential dwelling connected to a current residential utility service account served by natural gas or propane through FortisBC. Strata premises/units are only eligible if each residential unit is separately metered, and FortisBC natural gas accounts held in a strata corporation’s name are not eligible.
  4. The service must be performed by a Technical Safety BC licensed gas contractor with a GST number and a valid BC business license for the trade applicable to the servicing work. A list of contractors in your area can be found at
  5. Only one rebate per dwelling is allowed for each furnace/boiler and tankless water heater. However, a maximum of two rebates per dwelling is permitted for fireplaces. The serviced furnace/boiler must be your home’s primary space heating system (e.g., pool furnaces/boilers are not eligible), and outdoor fireplaces do not qualify for the rebate.
  6. The rebate amount cannot exceed the total cost of the service invoice.
  7. While service invoices are not required during the application process, they must be made available upon request and should contain the following details:
      • Description of services performed
      • Invoice number
      • Site address where the appliance was serviced
      • Date and cost of service (including taxes)
      • Contractor’s name and Technical Safety BC license number
      • Tankless water heater brand/manufacturer (if applicable)
    1. Visual inspections are not eligible for the rebate. The service should adhere to the complete service checklist provided by Technical Safety BC.
    2. Read more about whether or not you are eligible and additional terms here.
Rebate Details
Furnace or Boiler Service $50
Fireplace Service $25 (maximum of two)
Tankless Water Heater Service $50

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