Indoor Air Quality
Ensure the Air You Breathe is Clean & Healthy
Each day, the average person takes in over 20,000 breaths – roughly 35 pounds of air. In your lifetime, you may take as many as 625 million breaths, which is the volume of 2 football fields, or the height of a 17 story building!
Is Indoor Air More Dangerous Than Outside?
Over the last few years, a growing amount of scientific evidence indicates that the air inside your home may be more seriously polluted than the air outdoors. This includes the largest and most industrialized cities.
The air in our homes can be filled with pollutants such as:
Symptoms of “bad air” include:
To find out how you can trap and filter airborne contaminants and distribute cleaner air throughout your home, speak to one of our Home Comfort Advisors – 604.415.9471

Furnace Warranties and Rebates
Most furnace manufacturers offer a 10-year parts warranty on units that have been annually serviced. To learn if you qualify for government or manufacturer cash incentives, visit our Rebates page.