A story we hear all too often…

We had a furnace repair call this week from a new customer who was having an issue with their high efficiency furnace. The call was received by our 24/7 Emergency Call Centre, and then dispatched to one of our furnace repair service trucks. When the BC Furnace Repair Technician examined the customer’s furnace, they were able to make a quick diagnosis of the issue, a faulty heat exchanger. Although the furnace was only 4 years old, the issue was serious, and something that we’d normally expect to see in a much older furnace. Most furnace manufacturers offer a warranty of between 5 – 10 years, so something like a cracked heat exchanger would be covered by the warranty, however most furnace manufacturers require proof of regular furnace service and maintenance from a professional furnace service company in order to keep the warranty valid, very similar to the warranty on your car.

BC Furnace’s warranty department works on behalf of our clients to action warranty policies with the manufacturers, however the manufacturer of this particular furnace held firm their stated warranty policy, and the cost of the repair was therefore not covered by the warranty. Ultimately the customer had no alternative but to pay for the repairs themselves. This was yet another example of the huge importance of regular furnace service. Had this customer had a record of their furnace service over the first 4 years of their furnace’s life, the main costs of the furnace repair would have been covered by this particular manufacturer.

At BC Furnace, we make a point of educating home owners about the warranty issues caused by lack of servicing, however people still continue to ignore their furnace until it has a problem or needs a furnace repair. This was a prime example of why that education is so important.